Zombie Army 4 e Monster Energy Supercross 3 sono tra i nuovi titoli PS4 in uscita
Horror d’azione, emozioni arcade e molto altro ti aspettano sul PlayStation Store questa settimana! I creatori della serie Sniper Elite prendono una svolta occulta con il fantastico sparatutto Zombie Army 4, dove dovrai affrontare i non morti. Se non te la senti di affrontarli senza aiuto, cerca tre amici per affrontare la storia della campagna e la appagante modalità Orda.
Preferisci delle emozioni ad alta velocità? E allora non ti resta che provare il gioco di corse motociclistiche Monster Energy Supercross 3. Questi due giochi si uniscono a una vasta gamma di altri titoli in uscita questa settimana: leggi la lista completa di seguito*.
*Tutte le date di uscita sono corrette al momento della pubblicazione
Out this week
Dawn of Fear
3rd February
Five Nights at Freddy’s
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Five Nights at Freddy’s 2
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Five Nights at Freddy’s 3
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Five Nights at Freddy’s 4
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4th February
Just a Phrase by POWGI
4th February
Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 3
4th February
4th February
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics
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Track Mayhem
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War Theatre
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Zombie Army 4: Dead War
4th February
Zombie Army 4: Dead War Deluxe Edition
4th February
Zombie Army 4: Dead War Super Deluxe Edition
4th February
7th Sector
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7th Sector Collector’s Edition
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Indie Darling Bundle vol. 2
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Zero Zero Zero Zero
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Arcade Archives SAINT DRAGON
6th February
Journey to the Savage Planet
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Throw Anything
6th February
7th February
Don’t Even Think: Starter Bundle (Full Game+ 500 D Points)
7th February
Mecho Wars: Desert Ashes
7th February
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