Moons of Madness, Rugby 20, Lumini e molto altro ancora
Questa settimana su PlayStation Store puoi lottare contro terrificanti incubi Lovecraftiani nell’horror cosmico Moons of Madness, marcare i migliori giocatori in Rugby 20 o fluttuare serenamente su paesaggi alieni nel gioco a enigmi Lumini.
Questi e tanti altri giochi verranno lanciati digitalmente nei prossimi giorni. Dai un’occhiata alla lista completa delle uscite, di seguito!
Out this week
Knot World: Game And Theme
20th January
Close to the Sun Digital Deluxe
21st January
21st January
Shadow Legend VR
21st January
Eclipse: Edge of Light
22nd January
Football, Tactics & Glory
22nd January
FoxyLand 2
22nd January
Mosaic 1% Edition
23rd January
Rugby 20
23rd January
Arcade Archives XX MISSION
24th January
Balthazar’s Dream (Release Bundle)
24th January
Everyday Heroes Bundle
24th January
Firechief Bundle
24th January
Firefighters – The Simulation Platinum Bundle
24th January
Galactic Collection
24th January
Offroad Racing – Buggy X ATV X Moto
24th January
Paraiso Island
24th January
24th January
The Dark Eye Bundle
24th January
The Giants Bundle
24th January
Track Mayhem
24th January
24th January
Volley & Tennis Bundle Blast
24th January
World of Simulators Bundle
24th January
*Date di uscita corrette e aggironate al momento della pubblicazione.
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