Inoltre, sconti sugli indie con la promo Digital Zone e una nuova Promozione della Settimana
Stiamo celebrando tutto ciò che è PlayStation con la nostra ultima promozione, Solo su PlayStation!
Che sia Horizon Zero Dawn, Nioh, Uncharted 4, Wipeout Omega Collection o Bloodborne, potete risparmiare alla grande su alcuni giochi top in esclusiva PlayStation, contenuti aggiuntivi e season pass.
Fino al 18 ottobre 2017 ci saranno titoli disponibili per PS4, PS3 e PS Vita, quindi andate subito su PlayStation Store per conoscere i vostri prezzi locali e risparmiare, scaricare e giocare!
- Horizon Zero Dawn™
- Horizon Zero Dawn™ Digital Deluxe Edition
- The Last of Us™ Remastered
- UNCHARTED™ 4: A Thief’s End Digital Edition
- Uncharted™: The Nathan Drake Collection
- Ratchet & Clank™
- Bloodborne™
- Bloodborne™ The Old Hunters
- Bloodborne™: Game of the Year Edition
- God of War® III Remastered
- The Heavy Rain™ & BEYOND: Two Souls™ Collection
- WipEout™ Omega Collection
- The Last Guardian™
- LittleBigPlanet™ 3
- The Order: 1886™
- Nioh
- Nioh Digital Deluxe Edition
- Nioh Season Pass
- Nioh – Defiant Honour
- Nioh – Dragon of the North
- Until Dawn™
- MLB® The Show™ 17
- MLB® The Show™ 17 Digital Deluxe Edition
- MLB® The Show™ 17 MVP Edition
- KILLZONE™ SHADOW FALL and Season Pass Bundle
- KILLZONE™ SHADOW FALL Intercept Online Co-op Mode (Standalone)
- PlayStation®VR Worlds
- BEYOND: Two Souls™
- Heavy Rain™
- Journey™
- Journey™ Collector’s Edition
- inFAMOUS™ First Light
- DRIVECLUB™ Season Pass
- DRIVECLUB™ Full Game for PlayStation®Plus
- Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture™
- PaRappa The Rapper 2
- PaRappa the Rapper Remastered
- RESOGUN™ – Heroes Expansion
- RESOGUN™ Season Pass
- RESOGUN™ WipEout® Ship Bundle
- RESOGUN™: Defenders Expansion Pack
- Gravity Rush™ 2
- Gravity Rush™ 2 – Original Soundtrack
- Gravity Rush™ Remastered
- Dead Nation™: Apocalypse Edition
- HELLDIVERS™: Super-Earth Ultimate Edition
- Rogue Galaxy™
- Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-
- Flower™
- Dark Chronicle™
- Dark Cloud™
- Tearaway™ Unfolded
- Shadow of the Beast™
- Here They Lie
- Uncharted™ 1: Drake’s Fortune Remastered
- Uncharted™ 2: Among Thieves Remastered
- Uncharted™ 3: Drake’s Deception Remastered
- CounterSpy™
- DRIVECLUB™ Apex Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ BIKES MV Agusta Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ BIKES Suzuki Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ Downforce Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ Finish Line Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ Horsepower Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ Lamborghini Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ Lamborghini Icons Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ No Limits Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ Redline Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ RPM Expansion Pack
- DRIVECLUB™ Turbocharged Expansion Pack
- Ape Escape 2
- Bound™
- HELLDIVERS ™ Reinforcements Mega Bundle
- Super Stardust™ Ultra
- Super Stardust™ Ultra VR
- Tumble VR
- The Unfinished Swan™
- ALIENATION™ Conqueror’s Pack
- ALIENATION™ Survivor’s Pack
- ALIENATION™ Veteran Heroes Pack
- ALIENATION™ Weapons Supply Pack
- flOw™
- flOw™ Expansion Pack
- War of the Monsters
- Fat Princess™ Adventures
- Fat Princess™ Adventures Mega Loot Bundle
- Twisted Metal: Black™
- Entwined™
- LocoRoco™ Remastered
- Everybody’s Tennis
- Hohokum™
- Escape Plan™
- Escape Plan™ Collection
- Patapon™ Remastered
- Hustle Kings™ VR
- Wild Arms 3
- HELLDIVERS™ Reinforcement Pack
- Insurgent Pack
- Sound Shapes™ Ultimate Bundle
- Primal
- Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
- Intercept Online Co-op Expansion Pack
- Forbidden Siren
- HELLDIVERS™ Reinforcement Pack 2
- The Mark of Kri
- StarBlood Arena™
- Hardware: Rivals
- Doki-Doki Universe™
- Malicious™ Fallen
- Malicious™ Fallen Digital Deluxe Edition
- OKAGE: Shadow King
- Rise of the Kasai
- FantaVision
- Kinetica
- Drawn to Death™
- Escape Plan™ – The Asylum
- Escape Plan™ The Director’s Cut
- Escape Plan™ – The Underground
- Dark Cloud™ Series Soundtrack
- PaRappa The Rapper™ – Original Soundtrack
- Malicious™ Fallen Original Soundtrack
Digital Zone (fino al 18 ottobre 2017)
La nostra promozione Digital Zone si aggiorna questa settimana con alcuni nuovi contenuti esclusivamente digitali in offerta per PS4.
Risparmiate su titoli del calibro di NBA Playgrounds, Terraria, Warhammer Quest, Lumo, Castlestorm VR e molto altro.
Correte su PlayStation Store per i prezzi locali e iniziate la vostra prossima avventura digitale!
Promozione della Settimana (fino all’11 ottobre 2017)
Correte in pole position con la Promozione della Settimana del PlayStation Store di questa settimana, F1 2017 Special Edition.
Disponibile per PS4, la F1 2017 Special Edition include il gioco completo F1 2017 e il DLC F1 2017 ‘1988 McLaren MP4/4 Classic Car.
Non perdete questa fantastica occasione e correte subito su PlayStation Store!
- NBA Playgrounds
- Terraria – PlayStation®4 Edition
- Time Machine VR
- Oxenfree
- The Jackbox Party Bundle (Pack 1,2)
- The Jackbox Party Trilogy (Pack 1,2,3)
- Troll and I™
- Warhammer Quest
- Weeping Doll
- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams – Director’s Cut
- Super Mega Baseball
- Quiplash
- Anima: Gate of Memories
- Pixel Gear
- Pixel Piracy
- The Jackbox Party Pack
- The Jackbox Party Pack 2
- The Jackbox Party Pack 3
- Pinball FX2 VR Season 1
- Pinball FX2 VR The Walking Dead
- Shantae: Risky’s Revenge – Director’s Cut
- Mervils: A VR Adventure
- Drawful 2
- Assault Suit Leynos
- Oxenfree – Game + Theme
- Dead Synchronicity
- Crystal Rift
- Shift Happens
- Zenith
- Beserker Quickplay Pack
- Slayer Quickplay Pack
- Monk Quickplay Pack
- Kinetic Quickplay Pack
- Knight Quickplay Pack
- Ace Banana
- Ginger: Beyond the Crystal
- Oxenfree – Game + Theme + Avatars
- Aces of the Luftwaffe
- Waddle Home
- Heart And Slash
- Dynamite Fishing – World Games
- Smashbox Arena
- Darknet
- Rogue Stormers
- ArmaGallant: Decks of Destiny
- Clouds & Sheep 2
- CastleStorm VR
- Vostok Inc
- 8Days
- Death Squared
- Infinite Minigolf
- Pinball FX2 VR
- Statik
- SwapQuest
- Chime Sharp
- One Upon Light
- Rogue Stormers & Giana Sisters Bundle
- Super Cloud Built
- Lichtspeer
- Lichtspeer – Special Edition Bundle
- The Metronomicon
- The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor – Delux
- Bleed
- Drawfighters
- Anoxemia
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